NEW!! OnlyFans Secrets Guide with Tips Tricks Optimization 2021


The full OnlyFans secret guide => OnlyFans Secrets Guide - Tips Tricks Optimization

Getting Started

OnlyFans is a premium social media site, every creator profile has the following tabs:

  • Posts – All your content can be seen here, photos, videos, audio, stories, live videos, updates and more.
  • Photos – Your photos are shown here
  • Videos – Your video content is shown here
  • Audio – Your voice recordings are kept here
  • Likes – Total number of likes received is displayed here, fans can also see your content they “liked”.
  • Fans – Your number of fans are shown here, fans themselves are not visible.
Note: To earn money on OnlyFans you need to be at least 18 years old.

When creating your OnlyFans account you should think about a name for your account, the kind of content you want to post, how often you will post and your monthly subscription price.

You can create an OnlyFans account for a wide variety of content including:

  • Fitness Coaching
  • Cosplaying
  • Fashion 
  • Travel Blogging
  • DIY Tutorials
  • Beauty
  • Gaming
  • Adult Content
  • Recipes & Cooking Tips
  • Funny Videos
  • Influencer Vlogs
  • Modelling

OnlyFans overview

Before we look at how to setup your OnlyFans account and how you can generate an online income, first lets have quick look at the features available to creators.

Onlyfans overview

As you can see, there is a rich amount of features available to creators, with a simple and intuitive interface. We’ll go through these options in detail below:

Post to your feed

Post a status update message

Attach media

Post a photo, multiple photos and videos to your feed.

Record your voice

Record your voice and upload it as an audio track.

Add a poll

Choose a duration for your poll, add your question, add your answers and post it to your feed. Your fans can then vote by clicking on one of the answers available.

Choose an expiration period for your post

Choose how long you want your post to appear on your feed before being deleted automatically.

Schedule posts

Pick a time and date to automatically publish a post you have created.

Add a price to your post

To price lock a post, your OnlyFans susbcription price has to be set to “Free”. You can then price lock your post by adding a price.

You can only price lock posts with media such as photos, audio or videos. Once on your feed, fans can “unlock” the post by paying the price you set.

To price lock a post on OnlyFans, click on the create post button, add your media, then click on the dollar tag icon, set your price and post it to your timeline.

how to lock a post on onlyfans
Important Note: Some OnlyFans users can’t see the “Post Price” button when creating a post. This is most likely because your OnlyFans account has a subscription price. Only “Free” OnlyFans accounts can price lock posts.

A good strategy is to create two OnlyFans accounts, a free account and a premium (paid) account. On the free account you post exclusive content but only share your best content through price locked posts. You can also use your free page to promote your premium page directly.

Go Live with your subscribers

Set a date and time to go live with your subscribers. Once your live stream is over you can upload it as a normal video, this way if some of your fans missed your live stream they can catch up later.

Tip: You can run polls asking your subscribers to vote on what they want to see in a live stream, vote on any popular questions they have and on the best times to go live.

Add to your story

Similar to Instagram and Facebook, OnlyFans has a “story” feature, where you can upload photos or videos which are only visible for a certain amount of time. You can also save stories as highlights on your profile.

Receive tips

Fans can send you tips directly through your posts, during a live stream and through your messages. You can also sell custom content in return for tips from your fans.

Send messages

Speak with fans and other OnlyFans creators through the messages. You can also use the messages to send Pay Per View (PPV) content to your fans.

Download app guide : OnlyFans Secrets Guide - Tips Tricks Optimization

You can get the OnlyFans secret guide application for content creators at the link below:

OnlyFans Secrets Guide - Tips Tricks Optimization

Content Creation and Production

Quality Content Creation is the key to any successful OnlyFans page as well as ensuring that you create it consistently.

Profile Optimization

Setting up your OnlyFans Page is quite easy to do but success is in the details as they say. Our tips tell you how to best optimize your profile for success as well as many of the highly-used and under-appreciated features on the site.

Social Media Optimization

The most important way to be successful at OnlyFans is to master the art of Social Media Marketing and Promotion like Twitter and Reddit.

Marketing Tips and Tricks

Marketing and Branding are essential tools in the success of any business or website. You want to apply some of the same rules as you would for any business to your OnlyFans Page. Having solid Marketing and Promotion for your OnlyFans page will put it on the right track to success.

Download Now: OnlyFans Secrets Guide - Tips Tricks Optimization
